Branden Collinsworth
Warrior Retreats Founder, at Ashram Temple in the Sacred Valley of Peru
What was the inspiration behind Warrior Retreats?
In 2013, as I sat in an Ashram temple in the Sacred Valley of the Incas located deep in the heart of Peru, I was hit with an epiphany.
I sat there, thousands of miles away from home, immersed in a culture that was completely foreign to me. The streets and life that once imprisoned me became distant memories. Surrounded by the sacred apos (mountains) embraced by the Pachamama (mother earth) An over whelming sense of gratitude came over me. The road I had traveled was not easy. In fact, it broke me down, beat me up, scarred, marred and wounded me. The defeats were plenty, the wins never came easy, and there were many times where I didn’t know if I would ever make it out. But I did, and in the process, I realized that the biggest obstacle of all is not external.
The biggest obstacles are internal. Once we are willing to do the inner work, once we are ready to boldly step into the unknown, once we face with courage whatever enemy comes our way, then something magical begins to happen.
We are all meant for greatness.
Yes, all of us.
Greatness is not relegated to the few amongst us who have been blessed with the right last name or the right talent. I believe we are all meant for greatness, but it’s never just given to us. We have to show up, do the work and earn it.
That day, as I breathed in the fresh mountain air, it dawned on me.
The origin for this revelation came from a seed first planted fourteen years ago, when I began building skills in the transformational well-being industry; working with some of the top brands and influencers on the planet; studying under some of the most prominent healers, psychologists, performance coaches, and yogis from all over the world.
All of my failures, all of my wins.
All of my slips all, of my falls.
All of this was preparing me for that moment in the mountains and everything that was going to come after.
My mission in life became clearer than ever and Warrior Retreats was born.
I don’t like to say that Warrior Retreats was created. Instead, I like to say that it was given to me. There is something magical about Peru, and every person that has been on our previous retreats has said the same thing. That day, a vision came to me, and I decided that it was time to create a one of a kind immersive experience unlike any retreat experience on the planet.
Warrior Retreats is an experiential tribal leadership retreat that takes place over the course of eight days in Cusco, Aguas Calientes, and the Sacred Valley of Peru.
The Warrior Retreats experience is rooted in:
Compassion – Leading with the heart, giving selflessly and learning self-love.
Courage – A warrior, in its purest form, is a person that is willing to lay it all down for an ideal.
Commitment – Perseverance, determination, grit and hard work
Confidence – Self-belief, self-esteem, self-efficacy
Community – Contributing and being part of something that is bigger than oneself
Creativity – One’s genius and unique expression.
Celebration- Celebrating the journey of life, giving thanks, expressing gratitude.
Character – A warrior, in the purest sense, is someone that is willing to lay it all down for an ideal.
Calling – One’s purpose, life’s mission, individual’s awareness of unique gifts.
Connection – to one’s self and the world around them.
Part adventure, part health and wellness, part workshop and part humanitarian experience; every day in a supportive environment, our participants are stretched, tested and pushed to their limits.
This is all while making lifelong friendships and fully experiencing everything that Peru offers.
As participants progress from sampling world class culinary experiences to visiting the most revered sacred sites and monuments in the world, from hiking in epic locales to learning about Peru’s native plant medicines and working hands-on with sick children in several hospitals throughout Cusco, I have only one guarantee.
That after eight days with us, you will never be the same again. You will come back home filled with passion and purpose.
I have been given a gift and it is my calling to pass that gift on to you.
Warrior Retreats III
December 9th – 17th, 2017