Inca Civilization
Circa 1200 A.D.
Inca History: The building of Peru
When it comes to nations that are well-known for their outstanding advancements, the Incas are at the top of the list, right up there with the Egyptians, when it came to creating amazing structures that continue to enthrall the masses with their intricate and effective design.
The origin of the Incas is still enshrouded in a bit of mystery, as historians continue to research exactly where they came from. Appearing around the 12th century A.D., these people were highly inventive and militaristic, as well as religious and socially conscious in a way that many cultures had yet to reach. Their true rise did not begin until the 15th century, and was in fact short-lived, but not because their efforts were wasted. Rather, their eventual demise came from outside and was as devastating as a nuclear event, without the centuries-long fallout.
Mysterious origins and hearty innovation made the Incas powerful
The original state name of the Inca Empire was Tawantinsuyu and Cusco was the original settling point of the Incas when they appeared. As stated previously, the origin of these people is still in debate, as the stories passed down throughout their culture claim they were descended of Gods, whom they worshiped with fervor, building impressive temples such as the Sun Temple in Cusco.
In fact, this belief in their origination may well explain their very religious culture, as well as their ability to create a social structure that allowed them to not only overtake, but encompass many regions around them without much trouble at all. From the time of their appearance to the time of their eventual demise, the Inca Empire grew to a population estimated at nearly 12 million people and spanned quite a bit of South America. It was only the arrival of the Spanish, as well as other explorers, that had a viral effect on the people, bringing about their destruction through disease for the most part.
The Incas provided a learning base from which many other cultures could borrow
However, the Spanish, as well as many other cultures, were able to learn a great deal from the Incas. From their amazing stonework to their impressive roadways, agricultural advances, and social structure, the Incas were truly a culture that thrived in what other would consider a hostile and adverse environment. Rather than attempting to level the land around them, they found ways to innovate their own systems to work with the land, creating amazing agricultural terracing systems that produced enough food to feed their people without causing great harm to the land itself.
This type of farming is still seen today in many places where the land is simply far easier to terrace than it would be to alter the landscape itself. China, Japan, Italy, and many other countries feature lovely farms and gardens where terraced farming is the key to success. However, that is not the greatest point of learning from this strong and diverse people.
Strength of Spirit despite adversity
The greatest thing we could possibly learn from the Incas is that possessing strength of spirit is essential to success. Although disease and superior weapons destroyed this great society, the Incas had already managed to expand their territory well beyond what would have been expected, and had created a social system that allowed them to keep the peace afterward. This feat alone, when giving consideration of the nearly 100 ethnic groups they eventually possessed, is absolutely astounding.
By studying their culture, their practices, and their paths, we are able to take a peek at how these strong people were able to successfully manage, in a time when our modern conveniences would have been considered witchcraft. This learning, in turn, can help us to find our own success as we gain a bit more inner strength ourselves and take that strength forward with us.
To learn more about the Inca culture, join us for the next Warrior Retreats adventure, deep in the heart of Peru.
December 9th – 17th, 2017